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                    <a class="block text-white no-underline font-light text-sm" href="{ twitter }}">@asclearasmud</a>
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			<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" src="" srcset=" 768w, 1024w, 1600w, 2000w, 2400w, 2800w" alt="Kudos Header 9" />
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                            <div class="c-hero__title-col lg:mb-0">
                                <h1 class="c-hero__heading absolute lg:relative z-10 text-h2 text-white tracking-normal" data-motion-text data-speed="0.2">Kudos Memorabilia</h1>
                            <div class="c-hero__body-col" data-motion-text data-speed="0.2">
                                <ul class="list-reset flex items-center mb-0-5 opacity-50">
                                    <li class="text-black lg:text-white font-light text-xs  slash ">Design</li>
                                    <li class="text-black lg:text-white font-light text-xs  slash ">UI</li>
                                    <li class="text-black lg:text-white font-light text-xs ">UX</li>
                                <p class="text-black text-h6 font-light lg:text-white mb-1">Showcasing some of the finest Hollywood memorabilia</p>
                                <a href="" class="o-btn text-sm flex flex-no-wrap justify-end relative items-center text-black lg:text-white" target="_blank">
  <span class="o-btn__line h-px flex-1 mr-0-5 w-full bg-currentColor opacity-25 block"></span>
  <span class="block ml-auto mr-0 whitespace-no-wrap">Visit site</span>

                <article class="c-page relative z-10">

                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5 lg:-mt-6 xl:-mt-10 xl:wrapper" data-block="video">

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                                    <div class="font-light text-lg">
                                        <p>Kudos are collectors and exhibitors of some of the most memorable items from cinema. They approached Mud to build them a website that showcased their incredible collection. Working with the wonderful brand assets
                                            created by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Distil Studio</a> and the incredible photography produced by the client, we crafted a gallery style site rich in
                                            interactive details. And using the Shopify API, we developed an intuitive, easy to use shop for customers to purchase their own piece of cinematic history. </p>


                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5  xl:wrapper" data-block="image">

                        <div class="w-full relative image-container" style="padding-top: 148.0379746835443%">
				<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset=", 2x"  width="1580" height="2339" alt="Kudosmem 6" />
                            <img class="lazyload  absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset="" data-srcset=", 2x"
                                width="1580" height="2339" alt="Kudosmem 6" />


                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5  xl:wrapper" data-block="image">

                        <div class="w-full relative image-container" style="padding-top: 58.9873417721519%">
				<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset=", 2x"  width="1580" height="932" alt="Kudos Larger Test" />
                            <img class="lazyload  absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset="" data-srcset=", 2x"
                                width="1580" height="932" alt="Kudos Larger Test" />


                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5  xl:wrapper" data-block="image">

                        <div class="w-full relative image-container" style="padding-top: 186.58227848101265%">
				<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset=", 2x"  width="1580" height="2948" alt="Kudos New Test" />
                            <img class="lazyload  absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset="" data-srcset=", 2x"
                                width="1580" height="2948" alt="Kudos New Test" />


                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5  xl:wrapper" data-block="image">

                        <div class="relative w-full image-container  sm-asp-110182 lg-asp-7874">
                                @media (min-width:20em) {
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											<source srcset=", 2x" media="(min-width: 64em)">
											<source srcset=", 2x" media="(min-width: 20em)">
										<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" src=", 2x" alt="Kudos 7" />
                                <source srcset="" data-srcset=", 2x"
                                    media="(min-width: 20em)">
                                <source srcset="" data-srcset=", 2x"
                                    media="(min-width: 64em)">
                                <img class="lazyload  absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" src="" data-src=", 2x"
                                    alt="Kudos Mobile 1" />


                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5  xl:wrapper" data-block="image">

                        <div class="w-full relative image-container" style="padding-top: 67.40506329113924%">
				<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset=", 2x"  width="1580" height="1065" alt="Kudos 3" />
                            <img class="lazyload  absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset="" data-srcset=", 2x"
                                width="1580" height="1065" alt="Kudos 3" />


                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5  xl:wrapper" data-block="image">

                        <div class="w-full relative image-container" style="padding-top: 67.40506329113924%">
				<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset=", 2x"  width="1580" height="1065" alt="Kudos 5" />
                            <img class="lazyload  absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset="" data-srcset=", 2x"
                                width="1580" height="1065" alt="Kudos 5" />


                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5  xl:wrapper" data-block="quote">

                        <div class="lg:py-4 xl:py-7 s-content">
                            <blockquote class="c-quote px-1-5 md:px-2 lg:px-0 lg:mx-auto lg:w-su-16/24">
                                <div class="mb-1-5 text-h4 text-black font-light lg:mb-3">We would like to thank Matt, Meg, Dave, Max and all our friends at 'Our Name is Mud' for their outstanding work on this exciting project. It was a real pleasure working with all of you.</div>
    <span class="block text-sm text-blue font-bold">Brian White</span>
    <span class="block text-sm text-black font-light">Kudos Memorabilia</span>


                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5  xl:wrapper" data-block="image">

                        <div class="w-full relative image-container" style="padding-top: 67.40506329113924%">
				<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset=", 2x"  width="1580" height="1065" alt="Kudos 4" />
                            <img class="lazyload  absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" srcset="" data-srcset=", 2x"
                                width="1580" height="1065" alt="Kudos 4" />


                    <div class="mb-2-5 md:px-2 lg:px-3 xl:mb-5  xl:wrapper" data-block="video">

                        <div class="hidden md:block">
                            <div class="flex items-center justify-center p-5 video-container" style="background-color: [object Object]">
                                <div class="w-full max-w-full overflow-hidden relative" style="padding-top: 65%">
                                    <video data-video-spy preload="false" muted loop class="absolute pin w-full h-full max-w-full object-fit" src="" poster="" />


                <aside class="mb-5 md:mb-0">

                    <div class="c-related bg-white md:bg-black md:pt-4 md:pb-6 lg:pt-6 lg:pb-8 xl:pb-14 relative" data-behaviour="BgSwitch">
                        <img id="related-image-base" class="hidden md:block absolute pin object-fit h-full w-full opacity-25 lazyload" src="" data-src=""
                            data-srcset=" 768w, 1024w, 1600w"
                            alt="Unsplash Placeholder 4" />
                        <div id="related-image-container" class="absolute pin">
                            <img data-related-image class="hidden md:block absolute pin object-fit h-full w-full opacity-0 trans" src="" data-src=""
                                data-srcset=" 768w, 1024w, 1600w"
                                alt="Unsplash Placeholder 4" />
                            <img data-related-image class="hidden md:block absolute pin object-fit h-full w-full opacity-0 trans" src="" data-src=""
                                data-srcset=" 768w, 1024w, 1600w"
                                alt="Unsplash Placeholder 4" />
                        <div class="xl:wrapper px-1-5 md:px-2 relative z-10">
                            <h4 class="font-light text-white font-body mb-1">Other featured projects</h4>
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                                <li class="mb-0-5">
                                    <a data-index="0" data-image='{"id":"56","url":"","aspect":66.68,"src":"data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,","srcset":" 768w, 1024w, 1600w","alt":"Unsplash Placeholder 4"}'
                                        href="http://localhost:3000/projects/d-young" class="md:slash flex flex-no-wrap justify-start items-center  no-underline  text-black  font-bold  text-h4  block md:text-white">
						<span class="md:opacity-50 hover:opacity-100 trans trans-opacity">
							D Young
                                <li class="mb-0-5">
                                    <a data-index="1" data-image='{"id":"56","url":"","aspect":66.68,"src":"data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,","srcset":" 768w, 1024w, 1600w","alt":"Unsplash Placeholder 4"}'
                                        href="http://localhost:3000/projects/environmental-justice-foundation" class=" flex flex-no-wrap justify-start items-center  no-underline  text-black  font-bold  text-h4  block md:text-white">
						<span class="md:opacity-50 hover:opacity-100 trans trans-opacity">
							Environmental Justice Foundation




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        <svg class="absolute pin z-0" style="overflow: visible" data-lines xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1622.963 571.563">
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            <div class="lg:w-su-17/24 xl:w-su-13/24 mb-5 lg:mb-7 c-cta">
                <p>We love to talk digital. So if there’s a project that you’re itching to start or you just want to introduce yourself, drop us a line. We’re always happy to chat.</p>

            <div class="pb-4 md:flex md:items-start">
                <address class="text-white font-light text-xs whitespace-pre-line mb-2 md:mb-0 md:mr-2 lg:mr-4">5 Princes Buildings 
BA1 2ED</address>
                <dl class="flex flex-col items-start justify-start mb-2 md:mb-0">
                    <dt class="u-vh">Tel</dt>
                        <a class="block text-white linkee linkee--sm no-underline font-light text-xs" href="tel:01225 471 465"><span>01225 471 465</span></a>
                    <dt class="u-vh">Email</dt>
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                    <dt class="u-vh"></dt>
                        <a class="block text-white linkee linkee--sm no-underline font-light text-xs" href="asclearasmud"><span>@asclearasmud</span></a>
                <p class="text-white text-xs font-light md:ml-auto text-right">&copy; 2018 Our Name is Mud <br /><span class="opacity-50">Company No. 8589415</span></p>

<div class="c-draw hidden fixed pin-t pin-r h-screen w-full max-w-md bg-black z-0 p-1 md:p-3 xl:p-3 overflow-auto">
    <h2 class="text-h3 text-white mb-1-5 font-light">Kudos Memorabilia</h2>
    <div class="text-white text-body mb-3">Showcasing some of the finest Hollywood memorabilia</div>

    <ul class="list-reset">
        <li class="mb-1">
            <h2 class="text-h6 mb-0-5 text-white">Call us</h2>
            <a href="tel:01225 471 465" class="inline-flex font-bold text-body text-blue linkee"><span>01225 471 465</span></a>
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            <h2 class="text-h6 mb-0-5 text-white">General enquiries</h2>
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            <h2 class="text-h6 mb-0-5 text-white">Follow</h2>
            <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="asclearasmud" class="inline-flex font-bold text-body text-blue linkee"><span>@asclearasmud</span></a>
            <h2 class="text-h6 mb-0-5 text-white">Visit us</h2>
            <address class="block font-light text-body text-white mb-1-5">5 Princes Buildings 
BA1 2ED</address>
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  <span class="block ml-auto mr-0 whitespace-no-wrap">View on Google Maps</span>

<div id="cursor">
    <div id="c1"></div>
{% import '@helpers' as h %}

{% extends ~ '_layout.twig' %}

{% block critical_css %}
	<!-- build:critical-->
	<!-- endbuild -->
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
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          {% if block.type == 'image' %}
						{{ h.picture(block.images) }}
          {% endif %}

          {% if block.type == 'textImage' %}
						<div class="lg:py-4 xl:py-6 s-content">
							{% set partial = block.position == 'left' ? 'text-image' : 'text-image--flip' %}
            	{% include '@' ~ partial with block %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if block.type == 'quote' %}
						<div class="lg:py-4 xl:py-7 s-content">
            	{% include '@quote' with block %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if block.type == 'video' %}
						<div class="hidden md:block">
            	{% include '@video' with %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if block.type == 'grid' %}
            <div class="lg:flex lg:flex-wrap">
              {% for image in block.images %}
								<div class="lg:w-su-12/24 mb-1-25 {{ loop.index % 2 == 0 ? 'lg:mr-0' : 'lg:mr-su' }}">
									{{ h.image(image) }}
              {% endfor %}
          {% endif %}					
      {% endfor %}

    <aside class="mb-5 md:mb-0">
      {% include '@related' with { 
        related: related.items
      } %} 


{% endblock %}
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  "tel": "01225 471 465",
  "phone": "01225 471 465",
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  "twitter": "asclearasmud",
  "copyright": "&copy; 2018 Our Name is Mud",
  "siteUrl": "/components/preview/home",
  "address": "5 Princes Buildings \nBath \nBA1 2ED",
  "cta": "<p>We love to talk digital. So if there’s a project that you’re itching to start or you just want to introduce yourself, drop us a line. We’re always happy to chat.</p>",
  "entries": [
      "title": "Projects",
      "url": "/components/preview/listing"
      "title": "About",
      "url": "/components/preview/about"
      "title": "Journal",
      "url": "/components/preview/journal"
      "title": "Contact",
      "url": "/components/preview/contact"
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      "body": "We would like to thank Matt, Meg, Dave, Max and all our friends at 'Our Name is Mud' for their outstanding work on this exciting project. It was a real pleasure working with all of you.",
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        "title": "D Young",
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        "image": {
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          "srcset": " 768w, 1024w, 1600w",
          "alt": "Unsplash Placeholder 4"
        "title": "Environmental Justice Foundation",
        "url": "http://localhost:3000/projects/environmental-justice-foundation",
        "image": {
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There are no notes for this item.