  Get symbol markup
  @param symbol: The symbol name (same as the svg file name, i.e. twitter, not icon-twitter)
{% macro symbol(name) %}
	<i class="icon icon--{{ name }}">
			<use class="no-barba pointer-events-none" xlink:href="#{{ name }}"></use>
{% endmacro %}

{% macro image(image) %}
	{% set base64 = '' %}
	{% set ratio = (image.height / image.width) * 100 ~ '%' %}

	<div class="w-full relative image-container" style="padding-top: {{ ratio }}">
			<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" src="{{ image.src }}"  width="{{ image.width }}" height="{{ image.height }}" alt="{{ image.alt }}" />
		<img class="lazyload absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" src="{{ base64 }}" data-src="{{ image.url }}"   width="{{ image.width }}" height="{{ image.height }}" alt="{{ image.alt }}" />
{% endmacro %}

{% macro srcset(image, className) %}
	{% set base64 = '' %}
	<div class="w-full relative image-container" style="padding-top: {{ image.aspect ~ '%' }}">
			<img class="absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full" src="{{ image.url }}" srcset="{{ image.srcset }}" alt="{{ image.alt }}" />
		<img class="lazyload absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full {{ className }}" src="{{ base64 }}" data-src="{{ image.url }}" data-srcset="{{ image.srcset }}" alt="{{ image.alt }}" />
{% endmacro %}

{% macro picture(images) %}
	{% set base64 = '' %}

	{% set availableImages = [] %}

	{% for key, value in images|reverse %}
		{% if value %}
			{% set availableImages = availableImages|merge([{
				image: value,
				key: key
			}]) %}
		{% endif %}
	{% endfor %}

	{% set imageTransformed = [] %}

	{% for row in availableImages %}
		{% set aspect = (row.image.height / row.image.width) * 100 %}
		{% set ratio = aspect ~ '%' %}
		{% set prefix = aspect|round %}
		{% set className = row.key ~ '-asp-' ~ row.image.id ~ prefix %}

		{% set query = row.image.breakpoint / 16 ~ 'em' %}
		{% set style = '@media (min-width:' ~ query ~ '){.' ~ row.key ~ '-asp-' ~ row.image.id ~ prefix ~ '{padding-top:' ~ ratio ~ ';}}' %}

		{% set imageTransformed = imageTransformed|merge([{
			url: row.image.url,
			alt: row.image.alt,
			width: row.image.width,
			height: row.image.height,
			ratio: ratio,
			style: style,
			className: className,
			query: query
		}]) %}
	{% endfor %}

	{% set style = '' %}
	{% set classes = '' %}
	{% for k in imageTransformed %}
		{% set style = style ~ ' ' ~ k.style %}
		{% set classes = classes ~ ' ' ~ k.className %}
	{% endfor %}

	{% set imageClass = 'absolute pin object-fit w-full h-full' %}

	{% if imageTransformed|length == 1 %}
		<div class="w-full relative image-container" style="padding-top: {{ imageTransformed[0].ratio }}">
				<img class="{{ imageClass }}" srcset="{{ imageTransformed[0].url }}"  width="{{ imageTransformed[0].width }}" height="{{ imageTransformed[0].height }}" alt="{{ imageTransformed[0].alt }}" />
			<img class="lazyload  {{ imageClass }}" srcset="{{ base64 }}" data-srcset="{{ imageTransformed[0].url }}"  width="{{ imageTransformed[0].width }}" height="{{ imageTransformed[0].height }}" alt="{{ imageTransformed[0].alt }}" />
	{% else %}
		<div class="relative w-full image-container {{ classes }}">
			<style>{{ style }}</style>
					{% for image in imageTransformed|reverse %}
						<source srcset="{{ image.url }}" media="(min-width: {{ image.query }})">
					{% endfor %}
					<img class="{{ imageClass }}" src="{{ imageTransformed[0].url }}" alt="{{ imageTransformed[0].alt }}" />
				{% for image in imageTransformed|reverse %}
					<source srcset="{{ base64 }}" data-srcset="{{ image.url }}" media="(min-width: {{ image.query }})">
				{% endfor %}
				<img class="lazyload  {{ imageClass }}" src="{{ base64 }}" data-src="{{ imageTransformed[0].url }}" alt="{{ imageTransformed[0].alt }}" />
	{% endif %}

{% endmacro %}

{% macro maybeLink(content, link, options) %}
	{% set className = options is defined and options.className is defined ? options.className : '' %}
	{% set key = options is defined and options.key is defined ? options.key : 'url' %}

	{% if link is defined and link[key]|length %}
		<a href="{{ link[key] }}" {% if className|length %}class="{{ className }}"{% endif %}>
			{{ content|raw }}
	{% else %}
		{{ content }}
	{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro shape() %}
	<svg data-shape>
		<linearGradient id='grad'>
			<stop stop-color='#0e0f26'/>
			<stop data-stop-color offset='30%' stop-color='#671eb8'/>
{% endmacro %}

{% macro lines() %}
	<svg class="absolute pin" style="overflow: visible" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1622.963 792.478" data-lines>
		<linearGradient id='grad1'>
			<stop stop-color='#0e0f26'/>
			<stop data-stop-color offset='30%' stop-color='#671eb8'/>
		<linearGradient id='grad2'>
			<stop stop-color='#28BBDE'/>
			<stop data-stop-color offset='90%' stop-color='#1C1E4B'/>
		<linearGradient id='grad3'>
			<stop stop-color='#0e0f26'/>
			<stop data-stop-color offset='70%' stop-color='#ffffff'/>
		<linearGradient id='grad4'>
			<stop stop-color='#671EB8'/>
			<stop data-stop-color offset='70%' stop-color='#1C1E4B'/>
		<path data-speed="{{ random(range(10, 50)) * -1 / 100 }}" class="opacity-0" data-spon-track data-path fill="none" stroke="url(#grad1)" stroke-opacity="0.7" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="9" d="M552.444 1.477l332.299 713.979 783.92-349.909"/>
		<path data-speed="{{ random(range(10, 50)) * -1 / 100 }}" class="opacity-0" data-spon-track data-path fill="none" stroke="url(#grad3)" stroke-opacity="0.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="9" d="M2.912 429.659c2 3 255.83 203.797 255.83 203.797l-255.83 32.52"/>
		<path data-speed="{{ random(range(10, 50)) * -1 / 100 }}" class="opacity-0" data-spon-track data-path fill="none" stroke="url(#grad2)" stroke-opacity="0.7" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="9" d="M1670.306 99.759l-645.563 183.697 654.622 380"/>
		<path data-speed="{{ random(range(10, 50)) * -1 / 100 }}" class="opacity-0" data-spon-track data-path fill="none" stroke="url(#grad4)" stroke-opacity="0.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="9" d="M1668.663 269.832l-249.92 410.624 251.563 141.554"/>
{% endmacro %}

{% macro codesnippet(blocks) %}
	{% set snippet = false %}
	{% for block in blocks %}
		{% if block.type == 'snippet' %}
			{% set snippet = true %}
		{% endif %}
	{% endfor %}
	{% if snippet == true %}data-behaviour="CodeSnippet"{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
  "siteTitle": "Mudstone Component Library",
  "craft": {
    "app": {
      "config": {
        "general": {
          "custom": {
            "wrapper": "/wrapper/"
  "tel": "01225 471 465",
  "phone": "01225 471 465",
  "email": "hello@ournameismud.co.uk",
  "twitter": "asclearasmud",
  "copyright": "&copy; 2018 Our Name is Mud",
  "siteUrl": "/components/preview/home",
  "address": "5 Princes Buildings \nBath \nBA1 2ED",
  "cta": "<p>We love to talk digital. So if there’s a project that you’re itching to start or you just want to introduce yourself,&nbsp;<a href=\"/contact\" data-contact-link=\"\" class=\"no-barba\">drop us a line</a>. We’re always happy to chat...</p>",
  "entries": [
      "title": "Projects",
      "url": "/components/preview/listing"
      "title": "About",
      "url": "/components/preview/about"
      "title": "Journal",
      "url": "/components/preview/journal"
      "title": "Contact",
      "url": "/components/preview/contact"

There are no notes for this item.